Launch of the #LearningPlanet Learning for Sustainability Circle during the Catalysing Change Week

What are #LearningPlanet Circles?

#LearningPlanet Circles connect like-minded communities with shared causes. Following the notion of a middle ground institution, this will notably be achieved by forging strong bonds with leading institutions, networks of social entrepreneurs, foundations, governmental organizations, etc. The first interactive session of the Learning for Sustainability Circle, co-hosted by #LearningPlanet, Club of Rome and Catalyst 2030, will be held in the context of the Catalyst2030 Change Week.

  • Learn more about circles here.
  • You may register for the Circle here.

Why launch a Learning for Sustainability Circle?

In the face of the magnitude, scale, and extreme complexity of sustainability challenges, we are all learners in need of addressing new questions and co-creating new responses, in endless iterative processes. This requires new attitudes, skills, and knowledge to take leaps in sense-making, and the practice of collaborative problem-solving in infinite pathways towards human wellbeing within a healthy biosphere. Surpassing disciplines, the #LP Learning for Sustainability Circle will explore how learning processes and all types of education need to evolve by questioning what learners need to be, to understand, to know & to do.

It will bring together leading players (institutions, practitioners, scientists, artists, activists, and youth) willing to create radical collaboration schemes and projects (e.g. summer schools, learning modules, campaigns, calls for projects, etc.).

First Learning for Sustainability Session details

  • Title: #LearningPlanet – Launch of Learning for Sustainability Circle in collaboration with Club of Rome
  • Date and Time: Wednesday 5 May 2021, 15:00-16:00 CEST
  • Hosts: Club of Rome, #LearningPlanet, Catalyst2030
  • Description: This is the launch event of the #LP Learning for Sustainability Circle. It will inaugurate this safe space to come together, discuss meaningfully and start co-creating impactful initiatives and projects.

Thank you for registering in advance and for your inspiring contributions!

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