Call for Applications: Join the Youth Empowerment Circle – Youth Advisory Council!

Apply to be a part of the YEC Youth Advisory Council!

[French version of the article here]



What is the Youth Advisory Council?

The Youth Advisory Council (the “Council ») is formed with the intention of considering and acting on global youth voices in all major policy and decision making of the Circle.

How will the Council convene?

The council will meet on a monthly basis to help shape the direction of the Youth Empowerment Circle (see further information below). The Council’s first cohort will run from September 2021 to February 2022 (6 months), and will be launched during the UN General Assembly 76th session.

Who is it for?

We welcome applications from any young persons (12-25 years old) striving to empower fellow youth changemakers, whether through existing initiatives, or personal interest.


  • Shaping the direction of a growing network of youth organisations and decision-making institutions
  • Collaborating with an inspirational network of youth changemakers worldwide, and
  • Opportunities to speak at global events supporting youth

What do we expect?

  • Participation in Monthly Sessions addressing the development of the Youth Empowerment Circle.

Representation of the Circle at International Events (Optional), addressing subjects such as:

Youth Health & Wellbeing

Youth Rights

Youth & Sustainability

Youth Education

How to apply?

Fill in the short form attached by 21st September 2021. The participants of the first committee will be selected by representatives of the circle co-leads (#LearningPlanet, CAP-2030 & Catalyst 2030) and announced by 23rd September 2021.

What is The Youth Empowerment Circle?

#LearningPlanet, CAP-2030, and Catalyst 2030 launched the Youth Empowerment Circle as a part of Catalysing Change Week. The Circle sessions are intended to demonstrate the value of collaborating across networks, ages, and geographies with the shared goal of supporting inspirational youth changemakers and initiatives.

The circle connects organisations sharing the same focuses and ambitions and gives its members a space to share and promote their current work, initiatives, actions towards principal causes, and today’s most pressing issues affecting young people. Furthermore, it provides learning and feedback opportunities for its members and inspires them by sharing and accessing new ideas and best practices, potentially leading to new ways of working and new projects to support youth.

Over the past sessions, we have heard  22 youth speakers from: United Kingdom, India, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Philippines, Chile, Peru, Italy, Australia presenting their hopes, dreams and strategies for youth empowerment. We are also grateful for the participation of 6 institutional speakers to foster a spirit of intergenerational collaboration, and over 300 attendees who have actively participated over the past four sessions.

About the founders of Youth Empowerment Circle:

  1. #LearningPlanet
  2. CAP-2030
  3. Catalyst 2030
  4. Ville de Paris (Francophone Circle)
  5. Ashoka France (Francophone Circle)

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