#LearningPlanet Festival – Jan. 22-29, 2022

« Learning to take care of oneself, others, and the planet »

Featuring 400+ local events and online activities co-organized with 250 partner organisations from around the world, the #LearningPlanet Festival is an open platform of workshops, debates, games, screenings, forums and other events dedicated to celebrating new ways of learning and teaching.

Since its launch in January 2020, the #LearningPlanet Festival has been dedicated to the celebration of learning on – and around – the International Day of Education. This third edition presents a packed 8-day programme, rich in diverse online and onsite events created by the #LearningPlanet team together with UNESCO and 250+ Festival partners from around the globe. Passionate learners of all ages – youth, teachers, educators, artists, scientists, social entrepreneurs, policymakers and more, will talk, discuss, and engage about youth empowerment, learning for sustainability, transitions in education, new models for social change, and arts in education.

Find the whole programme & speakers on the platform here: festival.learningplanet.org

YouTube video

The Learning Planet Institute supports and gets involved in the festival.

Below are the sessions in which a Learning Planet Institute member/team is involved:

22/01 14h00-14h30 #Learning Planet Festival Launch Ceremony
Official launch
Speaker: François Taddei /Session Language: EN

23/01 18h00-19h00 La petite culture numérique : Le développement du tout-petit à l’ère numérique
Session de questions/réponses
Speaker: team members Premiers Cris /Session Language: FR

24/01 10h00-11h00 Session d’ouverture de la Journée internationale de l’éducation : Nouvelles perspectives sur l’éducation au 21e siècle
Table-ronde sur les perspectives en matière d’éducation au 21ème siècle
Speaker: François Taddei /Session Language: FR

24/01 10h30-12h00 World Tour to the Festival – Connecting to a wide range of local celebrations. Part 1
Dynamic conversation about the work of a selection of #LearningPlanet community partners
Crowd4SDG speaker: François Grey /Session Language: ENG

24/01 11h00-12h00 Tour d’horizon du Festival en France
Présentation des événements du Festival en France
Speaker: Ariane Baumard (Savanturiers) /Session Language: FR

24/01 14h00-15h00 Et si nous faisions en sorte que la voix des jeunes compte dans le débat public ?
Table-ronde sur la participation de la jeunesse dans les décisions de la cité, à l’échelle locale, nationale et internationale
Speaker: François Taddei /Session Language: FR

24/01 17h30-18h30 Financing the redesign of higher education
Round-table to address the transformation of higher education institutions, and the need for novel financing mechanisms to enable this redesign
Speaker: Gaëll Mainguy /Session Language: ENG

24/01 17h30-18h30 Les émotions climatiques : Eco-anxiété : que recouvre ce phénomène ? Quelles approches pour accompagner la jeunesse ?
Table-ronde sur le traitement social et émotionnel des questions climatiques en classe
Speaker: Ange Ansour (Savanturiers) /Session Language: FR

25/01 10h00-12h00 Exploring Ways of Learning for Sustainability – Part 1
Journey of exploration of new ways of Learning for Sustainability
Speaker: Gaëll Mainguy /Session Language: ENG

25/01 16h00-18h00 Exploring Ways of Learning for Sustainability – Part 2
Journey of exploration of new ways of Learning for Sustainability
Speaker: Gaëll Mainguy /Session Language: ENG

26/01 09h30-11h00 Co-Constructing Futures of Education
Round-table and discussion on how to implement recommendations of the latest report from UNESCO « Reimagining our futures together, A new social contract for education »
Speakers: François Taddei & Gaëll Mainguy /Session Language: ENG

26/01 10h00-12h00 Journée collaborative au service des transitions dans l’enseignement supérieur, Atelier 1 : Co-réflexion
Atelier pour créer un nouveau récit éducatif dans une université apprenante
Speakers: Alexandra Laurent & Léo Houdebine (Institut des Défis) /Session Language: FR

26/01 14h00-16h00 Journée collaborative au service des transitions dans l’enseignement supérieur, Atelier 2 : Co-imagination
Atelier opérationnel pour contribuer à un modèle d’université apprenante
Speakers: Alexandra Laurent & Léo Houdebine (Institut des Défis) /Session Language: FR

26/01 17h00-18h00 Des graines pour l’avenir : comment grandissent nos élèves face aux défis climatiques ?
Table-ronde à l’occasion de la sortie en salles du film Graines d’espoir
Speaker: Ange Ansour (Savanturiers) /Session Language: FR

26/01 17h30-19h00 Formation aux transitions – Lancement du Bachelor ACT
Table-ronde sur les transitions écologiques, sociales et citoyennes : quelles compétences, quelle pédagogie et quels métiers pour les jeunes demain ?
Speaker: Gaëll Mainguy /Session Language: FR

27/01 09h00-16h00 La Fabrique de la remobilisation. Une initiative publique apprenante dans le champ de l’inclusion: expérimenter, apprendre et diffuser
Journée collaborative sur les apprentissages et stratégies pour la transformation durable des politiques publiques
Speaker: Bénédicte Gallon /Session Language: FR

29/01 13h00-15h00 Mobilizing Youths for Climate Action: Citizen Science and Innovation in Monitoring and Achieving the SDGs
Workshop to help transdisciplinary teams selected in the Crowd4SDG Programme
Speaker: Crowd4SDG team /Session Language: EN

29/01 18h30-20h00 Le Bonheur à l’École – Citoyens de demain
Projection du film «  Le bonheur à l’école » suivie d’un débat
Speaker: François Taddei /Session Language: FR

The Festival is organized by the #LearningPlanet, an initiative launched in 2020 by the Learning Planet Institute (born from CRI) and UNESCO. #LearningPlanet is now a global community of pioneers co-creating new ways of learning, teaching, researching and mobilizing collective intelligence.

Find out more about the #LearningPlanet community here: learning-planet.org

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