As a leader, you face increasingly wicked problems and unpredictable challenges that require constant innovation and adaptive learning.
Designed for socially conscious leaders like you, our 5-day research-powered initiation programme serves as a unique accelerator for driving change, experimenting with new attitudes, and engaging in the science-based fundamentals of sustainability.
You will explore the potential of collaboration between peers in an interdisciplinary, international and intergenerational context. You will learn how to identify the levers of a learning organisation.
Partial or total exemption of fees may be provided to youth leaders and leaders in the nonprofit sector. Places are subject to availability. Please feel free to inquire.
At the end of the training you will be able to
Co-founder of the CRI & President of the Learning Planet Institute.
François TADDEI is a general engineer of “ponts des eaux et des forêts”.
An internationally renowned researcher at Inserm, he now devotes himself to the sciences of learning and in particular to the notion of Planetizen, to enable everyone to learn to take care of themselves, others and the planet.
He is the author of two essays on the subject: Learning in the 21st century and of the Learning Planetizen Manifesto. Together tackling the challenges of the 21st century.
Deputy executive director & Direction of the Transformation of Organisations hub (Learning Planet Institute).
Gaëll MAINGUY is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and holds a doctorate in neuroscience.
His work has successively focused on brain development, open and interdisciplinary science practices, systemic analysis of issues related to sustainability and the transformation of educational systems.
He now teaches systemic approaches to sustainability and learning mechanisms.
He is also a member of the scientific council of the IRD.
Direction of the FIRE Doctoral School & the EURIP Graduate School (Learning Planet Institute).
Muriel MAMBRINI is also Director of Research at INRAE. With a doctorate in nutrition and the ability to direct research at the disciplinary interfaces, she has presided over a 1,500-strong research centre as a “natural place for interdisciplinarity” and has added design sciences and epistemology to her skills in order to lay the foundations for a science of science management.
Today, she is helping to programme the opening up of science and the innovation ecosystem to accelerate transitions at French and European levels.
Direction of the Education hub (Learning Planet Institute).
Raphael COSTAMBEYS-KEMPCZYNSKI is a specialist in Cultural & Media Studies.
An entrepreneur, journalist and teacher-researcher, he created his first company at the age of 16, has held senior management positions in various higher education institutions for over 15 years, and runs a bilingual Master’s degree in Journalism at the Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Raphael led the construction of the Sorbonne Nouvelle campus at Place de la Nation, Paris, and wrote the Greater Paris policy roadmap to improve the quality of student life and, from 2015 to 2021, directed the Festival of Ideas Paris.
8 bis Rue Charles V
75004 Paris
The Learning Planet Institute explores, experiments and shares new ways of learning and cooperating that respond to the needs of the youth and the planet.
With its activities, the Institute creates research and educational programmes based on interdisciplinarity, diversity and initiative.
The Institute is working towards creating an inclusive community space that promotes, values, and welcomes members from every background.
Please note that terms such as “researcher,” “student,” “teacher,” and so on refer equally to men, women, and non-binary persons.