Eco-motions lab meeting

Date : 13/06/2024
Opening hours : From 08:00 to 17:00 CET
Learning Planet Institute - 8bis rue Charles V - 75004 Paris
Métro 7 Sully-Morland / Métro 1 Saint-Paul / Métro 5 & 8 Bastille

Eco-motion lab invites LPI community to the first workshop “Eco-anxiety to eco-lucidity” to be held at LPI :

When ? Thursday 14 June 2024 etCapture decran 2024 03 08 a 15.14.58 2 Eco-motions lab meeting 6:45 PM

How ? outdoor workshop on emotional awareness. To question our relationship with the Mother Earth, through eco-practices and sensitive experiences.

Purpose of the club :  explore Emotional and Relational Intelligence through activities and theoretical inputs. It will also reach debating and arguing competences through Philosophical-Debate workshops. Moreover, it will question the Critical Thinking of the participants, with an Inter-cultural perspective.

Contac ? by email

On Instagram :


Adresse :
Learning Planet Institute
8bis rue Charles V
75004 Paris
Accès métro :
Sully-Morland (Ligne 7)
Saint-Paul (Ligne 1)
Bastille (Lignes 5 et 8)