Empowering Change: Our Journey at SDG Summer School 2024 ā€“ Tackling Handicap Challenges

  • SDG
  • Invitation-only event
  • On-site
Date : 19/07/2024
Opening hours : From 09:30 to 12:00 CET
Learning Planet Institute - 8bis rue Charles V - 75004 Paris
Métro 7 Sully-Morland / Métro 1 Saint-Paul / Métro 5 & 8 Bastille

IMG 2613 Empowering Change: Our Journey at SDG Summer School 2024 - Tackling Handicap Challenges IMG 2613.JPG Empowering Change: Our Journey at SDG Summer School 2024 - Tackling Handicap ChallengesThe SDG Summer School, initiated seven years ago, offers a dynamic framework for engagement and training in sustainability issues through the prototyping of solutions to concrete problems. Supported by the Institut des défis and co-founded by the Learning Planet Institute and Paris Cité University, this program has been carried out in partnership with the University of Geneva for several years. We believe that educating and training students on ecological, medical, and social transitions as early as possible is essential. This approach enables them to become conscious, positive, and enlightened actors capable of addressing local and global challenges.

Running from June 24th to July 19th, this yearā€™s program has focused on health issues and their link to the environment, with a particular emphasis on handicap challenges inspired by the resilience and achievements of Paralympic champions.

This 19th at 9:30 am, our studentsā€™ final pitch presentation will showcase the innovative solutions and prototypes developed to address these challenges.

Join us as the students present their final pitch, sharing their journey, insights, and groundbreaking solutions developed over the past weeks. These projects aim to empower individuals with disabilities and promote sustainable health and environmental practices. Witness the future of sustainability and inclusivity through the lens of these dedicated and creative young minds.

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Adresse :
Learning Planet Institute
8bis rue Charles V
75004 Paris
Accès métro :
Sully-Morland (Ligne 7)
Saint-Paul (Ligne 1)
Bastille (Lignes 5 et 8)