R&D Unplugged #5 – discover our research

  • Conference
  • Event open to all
  • Hybrid
Date : 25/09/2024
Opening hours : From 11:00 to 12:00 CET
Learning Planet Institute - 8bis rue Charles V - 75004 Paris
Métro 7 Sully-Morland / Métro 1 Saint-Paul / Métro 5 & 8 Bastille

Join us for R&D Unplugged #5 with Jean-Marc Sevin

The missing piece of the AI research puzzle

After nearly two years of AI buzz since the public release of ChatGPT and the democratization of Large Language Models (LLMs), what have we learnt about its relevance in real-world use cases? How do we apply this technology efficiently to support learning about the Sustainable Development Goals? And in the meantime, should we shift the AI research agenda to new disciplines in order to better understand how LLMs work their supposable magic?


R&D Unplugged - the Talk with Jean-Marc Sevin


→ Watch the video


Listen to the podcast


More about the speaker

Jean-Marc Sevin is a senior data scientist at Learning Planet Institute. He’s part of the R&D department and the Learning Transitions Research Unit. He mainly works on developing WeLearn, an AI platform to help people learn about planetary transitions. He holds a postgraduate diploma in Big Data from Télécom Paris and is an expert in machine learning, distributed processing and data visualization. Prior to this, he accumulated over 15 years’ experience in the web industry with major French players such as Chanel and Orange, where he held positions as project manager, webmarketing consultant and developer.



R&D Unplugged is organized by the Research Unit Learning Transitions. For more details about the format of R&D Unplugged, along with information on past and upcoming events, please visit our website.

PNG blanc R&D Unplugged #5 - discover our research


Adresse :
Learning Planet Institute
8bis rue Charles V
75004 Paris
Accès métro :
Sully-Morland (Ligne 7)
Saint-Paul (Ligne 1)
Bastille (Lignes 5 et 8)