SDG Summer School – 2023 Edition

  • Summer School
  • Event open to all
  • On-site
Dates : From 03/07/2023 to 28/07/2023
Opening hours : From 09:00 to 17:00 CET
Learning Planet Institute - 8bis rue Charles V - 75004 Paris
Métro 7 Sully-Morland / Métro 1 Saint-Paul / Métro 5 & 8 Bastille
SDG Summer School au MakerLab du Learning Planet Institute

Initiated seven years ago, the SDG Summer School “Prototyping open source health solutions” offers students a framework for engagement and training in sustainability issues through the prototyping of solutions to concrete problems.

Key information

  • A one-month format taking place in several innovation spaces around the globe (Geneva, Paris and Shenzhen were host cities in 2022)
  • Teams selected for their complementary skills (medicine, biology, law, business, IT, design etc) and their abilities to jointly develop out-of-the-box solutions.
  • Challenges mentored by practitioners in International Organisations and leading global health researchers in participating academic institutions.
  • Each team coached by a PhD student who has relevant research experience and a clear interest in tackling the team’s specific challenge.
  • A chance to learn hands-on about open science tools and methodologies (open data, open source hardware and software, citizen science)..
  • An emphasis on rapid prototyping of sustainable solutions and an evaluation through weekly pitching sessions and careful project documentation.
  • An immersion program taught mainly in English.
  • In partnership with the University of Geneva.


  • Week 1: Hackathon discovery of tools and deep understanding of challenges
  • Week 2 & 3: Project design and implementation
  • Week 4: Documentation & Presentation of results


  • Summer School intended for students of legal age enrolled in a higher education institution in France or abroad.
  • The diversity of profiles is an asset, so participants coming from natural sciences, humanities, medicine, computer science, design, gaming or arts are encouraged to apply.
  • The number of places and the diversity of profiles will condition the number of people selected.

Click here to apply


  • 350 € for Université Paris Cité Students
  • 2000 € for externals
  • Partial or total exemption of fees may be provided to some candidates. Places are subject to availability. Please feel free to inquire.

For all your questions:


Adresse :
Learning Planet Institute
8bis rue Charles V
75004 Paris
Accès métro :
Sully-Morland (Ligne 7)
Saint-Paul (Ligne 1)
Bastille (Lignes 5 et 8)