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Paroles de Talents : récits de vie et reconversion

Au sein du Learning Planet Institute, l’équipe « Inclusion » conçoit des parcours d’accompagnement s’adressant aux personnes ayant besoin d’être (re)mobilisées dans leur parcours personnel comme professionnel. Au micro de l’un de leurs accompagnateurs, les Talents du projet HOP! livrent leur ressenti dans des récits courts et touchants – « Paroles de Talents ».

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Raven Frias, Learning Sciences student: dedicating her life to education, committing on all fronts

Born in the Philippines, Raven Frias has been involved in education and social innovation for several years, working with various organisations. As such, Raven has forged many links with the Learning Planet Institute: she is a student in the AIRE « Learning Sciences » Master’s programme and a member of the International Youth Council. To give the younger generation a voice and decision-making roles, the Learning Planet Institute invited her to also join its Scientific Council. Meet a student with an abundance of positive energy!

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Maria Luisa Serrano at the S.T.E.A.M School © Maker's Asylum

Maria Luisa Serrano: facilitating learning through new technologies, passing on with EdTech

After studying engineering in Germany, Maria Luisa Serrano became interested in educational technology (or EdTech) and completed her AIRE Master’s programme in Learning Sciences at the Learning Planet Institute. It was at this point that she joined the HOME student club, whose mission is to share and discuss what students have learnt at the Learning Planet Institute in developing countries. Read on to hear what Maria has been up to since her time at the Institute.

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Maria Luisa Serrano at the S.T.E.A.M School © Maker's Asylum

Maria Luisa Serrano : faciliter l’apprentissage grâce aux nouvelles technologies, transmettre avec l’EdTech

Après des études d’ingénieure en Allemagne, Maria Luisa Serrano s’intéresse aux technologies de l’éducation (ou « EdTech ») et complète son cursus en Master AIRE « Sciences de l’apprentissage » (Learning Sciences) au Learning Planet Institute. C’est à ce moment qu’elle rejoint le club étudiant HOME, qui a pour mission de partager et d’échanger sur ce que les étudiant·e·s ont appris au Learning Planet Institute dans les pays en développement. Rencontre.

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