The Schools
Urban and eco-responsible
challenges for schoolchildren
Since 2019…
The Schools Challenge mentoring programme aims at encouraging secondary school students in Seine-Saint-Denis to become more interested in the issues of sustainable development, science and technology. It helps them to take ownership of urban and local issues through project management.
Initiated by J.P. Morgan Chase, with the support and expertise of the Learning Planet Institute, the programme is rooted in the world of business and engineering, and focuses on urban and eco-friendly challenges. For 6 months, with the help of their Learning Planet Institute and J.P. Morgan Chase mentors, the students imagine and prototype their projects for a sustainable city. During 12 workshops, students and mentors give shape to their ideas, becoming increasingly involved and creative.
For the 2025 edition, the students will have to take up a new challenge: to design an inclusive installation in the playgrounds of Seine-Saint-Denis secondary schools. The students will have to reflect on the diversity of playground practices and come up with an installation offering innovative and inclusive uses. The aim is to create a facility that will enable everyone to fully enjoy their rights on a daily basis and to benefit from a space for play, relaxation and creativity within their school.

The Schools Challenge is present in 6 countries (UK, Germany, France, Brazil, India, Hong Kong).
In France, the Learning Planet Institute’s Youth pedagogical team offers pedagogical support for this project and has been collaborating with J.P. Morgan Chase for several years.
The MakerLab of the Learning Planet Institute is available to finalise the projects.
Subtitles available in French and/or English; to be chosen in the YouTube settings of the video
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