are we?

Our Missions

Since 2006, the Learning Planet Institute has been dedicated to reinventing learning for all ages (lifelong learning) through collective intelligence in order to build sustainable & inclusive learning societies able to rise to the complex challenges we face. 

The Institute’s mission is to explore, research and share new ways of learning and cooperating in order to respond to the needs of the youth and the planet. By encouraging and disseminating a culture, methods and tools for empowerment, it transforms organisations. Ultimately, it leads communities and supports “Learning Planetizens” to take care of themselves, others and the planet. 

©Quentin Chevrier

To achieve its goals, the Learning Planet Institute creates research and educational programmes based on interdisciplinarity, diversity and initiative.

This relies on the synergies between its activities: R&D, Education, International Alliance, Transformation of Organisations and Digital Ecosystems.


Our history

From the CRI to the Learning Planet Institute

In response to the multiple crises (social, environmental, economic), researchers François Taddei and Ariel Lindner launched the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, CRI) in 2006, to train the next generation of scientists working at a crossroads between life sciences, education, and digital technologies. They are convinced that it is not only necessary but also possible to adopt a new and unique approach to education through research.

The CRI then doubled in size every eighteen months: it started out as a small-scale organisation and it became an internationally renowned institute, a global community with several hundreds partners across the world.

At the end of 2021, in order to increase its impact and to respond to the global challenges identified by the Sustainable Development Goals, the CRI was transformed into the Learning Planet Institute. This responded to the renewed ambition to co-create a learning society, capable of tackling the complex challenges we face today and in the future. 


Biography of François Taddei

Co-founder of the CRI and president of the Learning Planet Institute

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Biography of Ariel Lindner

Co-founder of the CRI, head of Engaged Life Science (ELiS) and supervisor of the leaders of research teams

With the support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation


we believe in

The Learning Planet Institute advocates a large-scale collaboration to co-build a learning society, capable of addressing the complex challenges we face, today and in the future. In this society, the “Learning Planetizens” would learn to take care of themselves, the others and the planet. 

To achieve these goals, the Institute promotes far-reaching collaborations to build a learning planet and develop new ways of learning and cooperating. It encourages the development of communities working together to find sustainable solutions in the education and health sectors and finding ways to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

Our communities

As the Learning Planet Institute encourages us to collaborate, share, and develop spin-offs, we would like to warmly thank the partners who work with us, and without whom nothing would be done 

Our patrons & Partners

The LearningPlanet Alliance

Created in 2019 by the Learning Planet Institute and UNESCO, the LearningPlanet International Alliance leads a global community of practice dedicated to transforming Education and co-constructing a learning society.



The Learning Planet Institute has more than 2 000 alumni.

The diversity of their profiles, backgrounds and nationalities contributes to our richness, creativity, energy, legitimacy, and success.

With their diverse interdisciplinary backgrounds, all these personalities offer an exceptional opportunity to build a network around the world.

Student clubs

©Quentin Chevrier
We encourage the 350 students we welcome each year to take part in student life and in the many activities of our 18 dedicated clubs, 4 of which have the legal status of voluntary association. The meetings and exchanges foster ideas, projects, common interests, and encourage creativity, initiative, co-construction, commitment, and synergy between our different teaching programmes. Thus, they can develop responsibilities and extracurricular skills that are transferable to their studies, and they can play a role in the life of their community.

Community News

LearningPlanetInstitute Portrait Benedicte Gallon ©Quentin Chevrier Who are we?

Bénédicte Gallon, directrice générale adjointe : Le Learning Planet Institute : confiance, exploration et liberté

« Je vous souhaite des rêves à n’en plus finir et l’envie furieuse d’en réaliser quelques-uns ». Cette phrase de Jacques Brel, c’est le moteur de Bénédicte Gallon, directrice générale adjointe du Learning Planet Institute, où elle travaille depuis plus de sept ans. Après un tour du monde, un engagement humanitaire, et des expériences dans l’audit et le conseil, elle n’avait, de ses mots, jamais vu une organisation avec une « telle confiance en l’autre ».

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Manon Sala, doctorante à l’âme d’exploratrice du monde vivant

Manon Sala, doctoral student with the soul of an explorer of the living world

Manon Sala is in her first year of a doctoral thesis at the doctoral school FIRE – Frontières de l’Innovation en Recherche et en Éducation (Université Paris Cité / Université PSL / Learning Planet Institute). A keen researcher, she also makes podcasts and clearly enjoys meeting people around her favourite subjects: education sciences and the connection with all life.

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Manon Sala, doctorante à l’âme d’exploratrice du monde vivant

[COMMUNAUTÉ] Manon Sala, doctorante à l’âme d’exploratrice du monde vivant

Manon Sala est en première année de thèse à l’école doctorale FIRE. Chercheuse passionnée, elle fait aussi des podcasts et apprécie manifestement faire des rencontres autour de ses sujets de prédilection : les sciences de l’éducation et le rapport au vivant. A l’occasion de l’ouverture des candidatures pour le programme doctoral FIRE, elle accepte de nous raconter le chemin qui l’a menée jusqu’à l’Institut.

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Logo ENG Who are we?

The Learning Sciences UNESCO Chair (“Sciences de l’apprendre”)

François Taddei, founder and president of the Learning Planet Institute, has been UNESCO Chair in Learning Sciences (“Sciences de l’apprendre”) since 2014.

This Chair is conducted in partnership with Université Paris Cité.

©Quentin Chevrier

Our sustainable campus

Located in the heart of Paris with a total surface area of 5,000 m², our campus was inaugurated in October 2018. It has been constructed and restored thanks to the support of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation and the City of Paris. 

Discover the speech of Mrs Françoise Bettencourt Meyers, President of the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation, at the inauguration of our campus on 4 October 2018 (in French).

Since the Learning Planet Institute is determined to become a major actor in education, following the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our building must operate along the same lines. 

Taking care of the environment and the people who use our campus also translates into raising awareness about the challenges of the ecological and social transition among all our stakeholders (students, professors, service providers, etc.), in order to make the campus as responsible and inclusive as possible.
