Grigny: a "laboratory" for educational success

Builders of Stories

Every story deserves to be told, the stories of the young people of Grigny and the athletes, the everyday heroes and the Olympic heroes…

The Bâtisseurs de Récits project is based on this ambition to accompany a class of young people from the town of Grigny on a narrative adventure around the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

It involves documenting the stories and experiences of children from the town of Grigny, renowned for its socio-economic challenges, and cross-referencing them with those of the Olympic athletes.

This creative and educational journey, inspired by the concept of the ‘hero’s journey’ – or ‘monomyth’ theorised by Joseph Campbell – enables young people to learn about creative narrative, journalistic and podcasting techniques.

Beyond its documentary implications, this initiative transcends social and cultural barriers to forge profound links of exchange and mutual understanding.

Created in partnership with the Cité Éducative de Grigny, the success of this first edition paves the way for its deployment in the town’s schools and colleges.

In 2025, the theme of the Olympic Games will be extended to ‘Everyday Heroes’, inviting young people to write a story about a hero in their daily lives.

See you there!

Subtitles available in French and/or English; to be chosen in the YouTube settings of the video
Jef Aerosol, La Grande Borne, Grigny, France
Jef Aerosol, La Grande Borne, Grigny, France

Early childhood project

The town of Grigny is experiencing a crisis in early childhood provision, linked to the high levels of insecurity and the complex life paths of the families living there.

In this context, Grigny is keen to strengthen its educational provision for children under the age of three in pre-school and school settings.

To meet this demand, the Learning Planet Institute is joining forces with the city to propose

  • Inventing and prototyping an early-learning and transition class, from pre-school to school, for children aged under three, with a high educational impact, and co-constructed with all the stakeholders (pre-school and school professionals, experts, families, city, institutions, etc.).
  • To strengthen the educational content, in order to encourage the development of the very young, from nursery school to kindergarten, by emphasising educational continuity through the training of the professionals involved.

The Learning Planet Institute will draw on the expertise developed in projects such as Bâtisseurs de Possibles and Les Héros Discrets de l’Education.

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Républicain de L'Essonne

Une ville innovante au service de la jeunesse

A l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de l’Enfance et du centenaire de la Déclaration de Genève des Droits de l’Enfant de 1924, le Learning Planet Institute et la Ville de Grigny ont souhaité faire entendre la voix de la Jeunesse.

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