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Weekly Meeting with the « Fabelier » Club !

1 mars 2023 | 17h30 – 19h30

fabelier 1 Weekly Meeting with the "Fabelier" Club !Fabelier club team invites to the weekly meeting to work on Personal/Collaborative prototypes.

Achievement/building a complex machine, learning how to use it and the full process like maintenance, post process, prototyping, designing regarding Issues, basics of electronics, soldering, diagnosing a failure, soft skills, collaborative works. 

The main purpose of our association is to empower citizens (student members )  by teaching and providing them with the basics of digital tools and manual manufacturing, arousing their curiosity and giving them the keys to have a positive impact on society and their environment. By manufacturing complex tools or systems to address problems. Via collective projects or personal initiative

Members gain expertise in: 3D modeling, 3D printing, 2D design vectors, laser cutting, soldering, designing and repairing electronics, prototyping and other DIY skills. Mainly to solve problems and develop a designer approach and reach SDG goals.

  • When & Where ?

 Every wednesday 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Makerlab
