Create project-based learning at scale and encourage the emergence of learning communities
Developed by the Learning Planet Institute’s Digital Ecosystems hub, Projects is a platform born of a double internal need: to help our students set up their own projects and promote them; and to share, in a decentralised way, both internally and externally, all our projects, skills, individual profiles and team presentations, in order to better capitalise on our achievements as an organisation.
We’ve adapted Projects so that you can benefit from it on a white label basis. Teach by project and share projects, individual and team profiles and skills within your communities.
Projects is a digital platform...
… Created by a non-profit organization to transform education on a large scale. The Learning Planet Institute aims to change education and transform organizations in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
… At the heart of an international network. Projects hosts Education projects from the LearningPlanet Alliance co-created in 2019 by the Learning Planet Institute and UNESCO.
… Designed for interdisciplinary teaching and research and user-centered. Projects is co-constructed with students, teachers and researchers.
… Whose data is secure. Hosted in France, recoverable at any time, audited by an independent organisation and with visibility under your control.
On the teaching side
Thanks to its pedagogical features and the methods developed by the Learning Planet Institute, Projects enables project-based learning for a very large cohort of students as well as at class level, in a simple and cost-effective way.
Our support ensures that teachers and students can get to grips with the system quickly and easily.
On the community side
Projects helps to promote your work, get to know easily what is happening in your community and who you should connect with. Document, promote and share all the projects and skills of community members in a “’white label” environment in an open, collaborative and secure way.
They testify
They already trust Projects
They support Projects
Our latest News

Communiqué – Actualités et agenda de la rentrée 2024 à l’Institut
Le Learning Planet Institute est heureux de dévoiler son programme de rentrée 2024, élaboré de manière transversale autour de ses cinq pôles d’activités.

Projects, une plateforme au service des universités pour construire, collaborer et valoriser les projets étudiants
Tuyêt Trâm Dang Ngoc, enseignante-chercheure en sciences informatiques au laboratoire ETIS à CY Cergy Paris Université, revient sur son expérience de la plateforme Projects du Learning Planet Institute.

[PARTNERSHIP] Agreenium is deploying CRI Projects
CRI signed a R&D research agreement with Agreenium agronomic schools to publish their work on our PROJECTS platform